A tone deaf truck ad, a weird Diet Coke placement, lots of ads that went for humor, a few that went for the emotional jugular, but a whole lotta boring at this year’s Superbowl. However one theme in particular stood out, (other than the fact that this year’s crop of ads were pretty lame)– this year’s ads tended to skirt politics and shoot for straightforward laughs.

The opening of the new Museum of Failure in Los Angeles got us thinking about why marketing and public relations are so important– at first we were going to write an analytical piece pulling from scholarly sources about why startups need to retain a marketing and PR firm.

However, that seemed a little dry for the week after New Year’s Eve. Therefore, as a gift to our readers, we’ve created a piece over the greatest marketing disasters of all time, because everybody loves a good trainwreck – (and that’s not just a metaphor).